
Blog of Kyoto International Club Klexon

Meetings, Camping trips, one day trips, and parties!!

We held a Halloween party on 10/29/2016!

We held a Halloween party on 10/29/2016!

We had a very good time!!


  1979 Hits
1979 Hits

We made a leaflet of the fall camping trip 2016!

We made a leaflet of the fall camping trip 2016!

It must be fun!


  2265 Hits
2265 Hits

We will start 2016 activity from 1/5.

We will start 2016 activity from 1/5.

We show a short list of photos in 2015!

  2270 Hits
2270 Hits

We held a meeting on 10/20/2015!

We held a meeting on 10/20/2015!

There were 73 people!

We enjoyed it very much.

  2205 Hits
2205 Hits

We had a meeting on 8/4/2015.

We had a meeting on 8/4/2015.

  2009 Hits
2009 Hits

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