
Blog of Kyoto International Club Klexon

Meetings, Camping trips, one day trips, and parties!!

We held a BBQ party!

We held a BBQ party!
​We held a BBQ party. There were 51 people. ​
  2090 Hits
2090 Hits

We held a meeting on 2/28/2017.

We held a meeting on 2/28/2017.
We held a meeting on 2/28/2017.There were 45 people.We talked about two topics, "memories in your childhood" and "impressive dreams".We will have the next meeting on 3/7.
  2422 Hits
2422 Hits

We migrated our blog to this new system!

We migrated our blog to this new system!
We have migrated our blog to this new system!You can now watch our blog using smart phone in this system.
  2124 Hits
2124 Hits

We are now recruiting new members of 2017!

We are now recruiting new members of 2017!
We are now recruiting new members of 2017!We have 32 language meetings in a year.  We also have about 30 events like BBQ, parties, one-day trips, and camping trips. The language meeting is free of charge. The participation fee is reasonable in other events. ​You can make many new friends in our activity! You can attend only in your favorite ev...
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  2880 Hits
2880 Hits

We held a party on 11/26/2016.

We held a party on 11/26/2016.

There were 21 people.

We enjoyed it very much.

  2301 Hits
2301 Hits

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